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Seattle Mikvah Association

About the Seattle Mikvah

The Seattle Mikvah is discretely and conveniently located up a long driveway just north of Holly Street and is not visible from the street. In 2006, a significant renovation of the facility was completed with contributions from the Seattle Jewish community. The rededicated Rivkah Gamel Building features separate pools for men and women, as well as a keilim mivkah. There are four preparation rooms for women (one of which is handicapped-accessible) and there is an additional changing/shower room for men. The Mikvah serves men and women from all over the state and is the primary facility for area conversions. Community donations support the upkeep of the building. 


Women’s Mikvah

To schedule women’s appointments, please call (206) 721-0970 and follow prompts.
(If you do not hear back within 12 hours please call or text 206-856-8193)

Weekdays: at least 24 Hours in advance
For Shabbos/Yom Tov: at least 48 Hours in advance


Men’s Mikvah

Men’s Hours: 5-9 AM Daily
Friday and Eruv Yom Tov Hours: Noon until Mincha
(Subject to posted changes)

No men are allowed in the building outside of these hours without prior approval.


Please contact your Rabbi to schedule your conversion.

   Adult $225
   Child $175
Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785